This is some of the best trance i've ever heard!
This is some of the best trance i've ever heard!
I'm flattered, but there's better.
This is wicked, at the beginning I was like "Ehhh" but then I was like "OH MAN-OH MY GOSH"
It's on my iPod now. Thanks for submitting this awesome piece of music. It's people like you that make me go on this website.
Lmao. Wow thanks for downloading.
I like it. It's not obnoxious unlike a lot of rap these days, this truly belongs in the "Olskool" section. It also belongs on my iPod.
Well done man.
I try to not be too arrogant while still saying "IM THE BEST"
It's a good song, I think the bass should have been brought out differently and the melody concentrated on a bit more, like maybe have the melody in piano or something like that.
This is only my opinion though and I think you should keep working on the song a bit because it has a lot of potential.
Good work so far with it.
I agree with the melody part and the bass part, like i said in my Author Comments, i've remixed this now. The melody has been changed and the bass comes in with more buildup so it doesnt creep up so much. If you could be bothered listening to it, that would be great! Thanks for the review mate.
This song is awesome. I love how it doesn't get super boring like most 8-10 minute songs. It's one of the best songs in the top I've heard in quite a while now.
Thanks! structuring is something that require lot of practice!
The transition about halfway through weirded me out a we bit but listening to the whole song justified anything that was wrong with it. I love the melody and how well you made the melody go with the rest of the song, it was totally wicked. +1 song to ipod.
haha yea that reverse kick transition is reeeeally weird, idk why i did that. i guess back then i thought it sounded cool.
Haha! Wicked!
Oh man I have never seen this done before, it's so wicked and original especially since you used your own voice to make the whole song!
glad you liked it ^^
Very nice
I like it, it's very chill and I love the progression + melody, however with that other sound you're using to substitute the bass, I would go back the the natural bass sound. (just my opinion, I think it sounds good as is, just a tip, up to you to decide if it's worth anything) anyways, it's beautiful and also now on my iPod.
I hope I didn´t missunderstood you, do you mean the bass in the intro? well I thought when I change it a bit it would become more interresting. And I thought that it just fits better. But I will try it out when I´m bored, maybe it sounds rly awesome...
Thx for the review and download :3
I love music. That is why I am here, to appreciate all your music, newgrounds!! I am more of an artist, I wish I had the resources and training to be a musician, but all the same, I am here.
Joined on 9/7/07